Record History
The Record History feature provides access to the history of changes made to individual records. As changes are made to the primary record in each module, records are created to document these changes. These records provide an audit trail of changes made.Users who are members of an access group with permission to view the audit trail can view this history.
This Record History feature provides the most expedient method to gain quick access to history from the perspective of the individual record. For example, all changes made to a specific work order. To view history from the perspective of a user, rather than a specific record, use the User History feature.
Upon initially accessing the feature, changes made to the currently selected record are displayed. Controls in the History window allow you to expand the filter to view all records from the current module.
The system retains a history of 500,000 record changes by default, but you can increase this ceiling using the Audit History Retention preferences.
View the history of changes made to a record:
Access the record you want to view.
Ensure you are viewing a page with a History button.
Click the History button.
The History window opens, listing the history of change for the record.The Record ID is displayed in the top-right part of the window.
Once you have accessed the History window, you can use the available controls to view history on the whole module, or another module.The View All Module History link above the History Summary displays all changes made to the currently accessed module. The modules displayed in the left allow you to view history on other modules.
A check box is available in the lower-left part of the window to enable or disable history tracking. Only users who are members of an access group with permission to alter this setting are able to change it.
The following components appear in the History window:
The History Summary in the upper-right corner lists each change recorded for the record. The history displays in reverse chronological order, where the most recent change displays first.
The Record column identifies the record. Since you are viewing an individual record, the values are the same for each row.
The Action column indicates the type of change.
For example, an edit would list Changed, whereas the initial creation of a record would list Created.
The User column lists the user that initiated the change.If the change was automatically generated, the column lists Maintenance Connection.
The Date column indicates the date and time of the change.
The detail for the highlighted change is displayed in the History Detail box in the lower-right part of the window.If multiple fields were changed, there will be multiple records displayed in the Detail area.
Each detail record listed displays the field that changed.In addition, the values before and after the change will be listed as applicable.
To view the details of a different history record, highlight the record in the History Summary box.
The details of this record will be displayed in the History Details area.To access additional pages of history, click the page navigation controls at the bottom of the History Summary area.
To print the history detail of a particular transaction, click the Print button.
The Print dialog box for your operating system displays.
Click Print.
The content displayed in the History Detail area prints.
Click Close.